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About Morgantown High School

Basic Facts and Information about Morgantown High School 

Morgantown High School has maintained a tradition of excellence for over a century. This is reflected in its facilities, faculty, and students. Organized in a horseshoe-shaped campus with an Astroturf football stadium in the center, the present 86 year-old facility, recorded in the National Historical Registry of Buildings, is located in the South Park residential section of Morgantown.

South Park is recognized as a National Historical District. In 1998, an eight million dollar construction and renovation project was completed to accommodate the addition of ninth grade. The project resulted in new buildings to house state-of-the-art science classrooms, a cafeteria, and an additional gymnasium, as well as many refurbished classrooms and facilities. 

The curriculum, organized around a departmentalized system of instruction, offers a reasonably varied selection of courses, including many advanced placement courses, as well as the option to enroll at WVU during regular school hours for courses not taught at MHS. Vocational education is offered through a program that releases students half-days to attend the local Technical Education Center. A variety of special education programs are also offered at the school. Many extracurricular activities, including a rich tradition in boys’ and girls’ athletics and instrumental music, are also available at MHS. The requirements for graduation typically exceed the requirements of the State Department of Education.

The MHS faculty has contributed in various ways to the curriculum and outstanding traditions of the school. Many have demonstrated innovativeness, a willingness to be risk-takers, and unquestioned dedication. The stability, longevity, and professionalism of the MHS faculty are significant factors in fostering the school’s continued state-wide reputation of excellence and the recognition of many of its teachers at the local, state, and national levels.

MHS’s population can be described in one word—diverse. For example, being located in a university community, about one-third of our students are children of professional parents, namely, children of doctors, lawyers, public school teachers, and university professors. Most of the remaining portion of the student body are children of blue-collar workers, such as factory, and farm-related workers, coal miners, and sales people. A fairly small number of students come from families that, for one reason or another, live on a fixed income. The school population of ninth through twelfth graders is approximately 1,683, with 89% white, 5% African-American, 4% Asian/Pacific Islander, and less than 1% Hispanic, and less than 1% American Indian/Alaskan Native. About 62% of our graduates attend college. Another 20% enter the job market immediately after high school graduation, and an unknown number enter the armed services. The drop-out rate is approximately 6.8%. Over the past 17 years, MHS has averaged approximately 12 National Merit semi-finalists each year. MHS alumni have gone on to distinguish themselves by becoming Rhodes Scholars, university presidents, Hollywood actors and writers, business executives, distinguished sports figures, and high-ranking military officers.

Along with preparing students for college, Morgantown High faculty provides the educational background needed for our non-college bound students who intend to enter the work force straight out of high school to be successful in the job market. The use of innovative teaching strategies and computer technology prepare our students for jobs of the future.